About Us | Product Development China

Do you want to use the advantages of manufacturing in China? Do you know where to start?

You may be looking for:
  • A creative partner for your design, prototype and manufacturing in China
  • A UK-managed product development company based in China removing the obstacles and working to your deadlines
  • A partner managing all aspects of your Chinese operations
  • Industrial product design China

Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit and genuine passion in everything we do, Omtro offers a full product design, prototype, manufacturing and procurement service based in China. With over 10 partner factories equipped with the most up to date machinery and latest technology available, our forward thinking team of product designers, engineering and manufacturing specialists will quickly turn your ideas from concept to production. Check out our Portfolio section for a glimpse of the projects we have worked on.

Some of the sectors we've worked in


Simplifying telecom accessories to improve usability and performance primarily for the home DIY market.


Audio and Video

From revolutionising AV connection and assembly methods to simplifying existing products or interfaces.


Extensive research and understanding how people interact with products help us to deliver products that function seamlessly.



Products required to endure the harshest of environments require extensive field testing and material understanding.


Direct manufacturing of finished parts with high tolerance and hygiene requirements.

Some of our valued clients

Latest News

PureLink exclusive

PureLink take Locking HDMI into new markets with exclusive distribution and sales agreements for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands and Belgium.

Crystal Clear locking HDMI

Crystal Clear locking HDMI range coming soon featuring black chrome casing and 4K status indicator.

Join the revolution!

Official UK distributors Smartbel Revolution unveil the new and improved Smartbel at Earls Court.

Smartbel presses all the right buttons

Smartbel awarded product of the week in The Sunday Telegraph magazine – Australia.